My father-in-law still has his Commodore 64 and Vic-20 from when he was younger, and he wanted to permenently setup the C64 in his media room. I helped him set it up and me, my gf and him played some of his games. He had a lot of "cracked" versions of big games like Donkey Kong and Frantic Freddie on 5,25" floppies. We had played some C64 previously but then he could only find the lower-tier games, now he found the box with all the (back then) AAA titles.
I made a video of the Burnin Rubber start cinematic:
And here's Flying Digger loading:

While my father in law and me were playing some games, my gf made a list of all the flopppies and which games
were on them. It's an Excel file: but I also compiled it into a csv: